While our hop and winegrape operations get most of the attention, nearly a third of Goschie Farms' annual output is comprised of other crops!

We learned a long time ago that biodiversity isn't just good for our local environment, it's also good for business. Over the years, a remarkable diversity of crops has rotated through our fields. Swapping in new crops - much like a coach might swap in a new player - improves the soil, promotes the growth of beneficial wildlife, and teaches our team new skills that we can apply to the rest of our operation.
In years past, we have produced: ​
Green Beans
Red Clover
Field Corn
Sugar Beets
Yew Bark
Japanese Maple Trees

This year, the balance of our field operations is primarily comprised of barley. We've been having a lot of fun producing this complex grain lately, and our brewing partners have been having a lot of fun incorporating it into their beers. You can even find some beers on the shelves that contain both Goschie-grown hops and Goschie-grown barley!
Beyond our barley, we consider the cover crops spread across all of our acreage as being just as significant as the crops we grow for consumption. The various native flora that we've deliberately cultivated between our rows of hop and grape trellises make those crops stronger and make our jobs easier and allows us to minimize unnecessary usage of energy and chemicals. Our thinking? The earth's been doing a pretty great job, why not let it do more of the work for us?